Remote IT Support Services in Sydney’s North Shore
Proactive Remote Monitoring & Fault Management Service

Reduce number of business disruptive IT system failures
Identify system issues and initiate corrective action prior to business hours
Identify and correct system issues whilst still “small” before they progress to major events

Monitoring Tools
Diagnostic software installed on customer: Server, PC’s and notebooks
Detection of Hardware and Software fault and pre-fault events
“Mission Control” – Centralised status monitoring at our Repair Centre with alternative monitoring at engineering staff home offices, notebooks and mobile phones
Immediate remote access to customer systems to carry out test, diagnosis and corrective action

Fault Management
“Triage” process to identify business critical events
Engineering analysis to define probable root cause
Intervention / Test / Corrective action via remote system access
Site visit if required
Notify customer of business impacting event before they cause harm

We’re your local computer technicians for affordable IT support across the Sydney North Shore.
What Our Clients Say